Mavi News

393 news in chronological order.


Sahut-Conreur briquetting presses for Argentina

For Argentina´s largest fertilizer project in the vicinity of the Rio Colorado, Mavi Máquinas Vibratórias from São Paulo, Brazil, as a representative for Sahut-Conreur, France, secured...


Shougang Peru and Mavi feeders.

Shougang iron ore processors in Peru again settle for Brazilian made heavy feeders...


Mega charcoal Mavi screeners running well at Arcelor site in Brazil.

For the right sizing of reforestation charcoal at many Brazilian steel plants, since 1998 Mavi has delivered large multi-deck screeners...


Mavi and DMN-Westinghouse, Holland, join efforts to supply rotary valves

Since June 2011, DMN-Westinghouse and Mavi agreed to join efforts in supplying the Brazilian market...


Vimot vibratory motors and Luftmax pneumatic vibrators sales up 80,7% over 2009.

Mavi is Latin America´s leader in sales of vibratory drives


Usiminas Mecânica and Usiminas with new electromagnetic feeders

The best choice , Elmavi feeders. Probably the most widely used in Brazilian steel works.


Mavi presents new Internet homepage

Comemorating 50 years of existence, Mavi presents its new homepage.


Elmavi electromagnetic vibratory feeders, number one in Brazilian steel works.

A large Brazilian engineering and manufacturing company for large steel works projects has granted Mavi a very interesting 7 digits order, now on completion for delivery...


Simplifying a tedious manual separation process.

A large chocolates manufacturer in Southeast nor recycles all of the damaged packages by a modern air separation process combined with gentle vibration...


Castings coolers

The "easy" Mavi castings cooler is becoming a trend in Brazilian foundries. The simple maintenance, the automatic excess vibration dampers, the newly introduced stop-and-go operation...


Viproc dryers and coolers for the dairy industry.

Coolying and drying powdered milk since 1999, 12 years without any major maintenance. For a large dairy products distributor back in 1999 Mavi supplied a Viproc fluid bed cooler and dryer...


A brief look at Mavi Máquinas Vibratórias Ltda. , 50 years of age.

Founded August 25, 1961, in 2011 Mavi will comemorate 50 years of existence. Mavi is the largest producer of vibratory equipment in Latin America...