Mavi News

393 news in chronological order.


Assembling a giant- Velopen screener , 2.500 x 7.000 mm

One of Brazil´s leading steel works is revamping its limestone processing unit and decided to install a new screener, contracting Mavi for the coordination...


Need a few days off? - Why not at the bay of Parati-Angra dos Reis?

Everybody needs some rest. Probably Parati-Angra dos Reis with its beautiful surroundigs, nice little hotels (pousadas) and the best boating site in Brazil...


Reforestation charcoal residues screening plant- Largest ever.

For one major steel producer in Brazil, Mavi has delivered a set of heavy duty sreening machines Velopen type...


A typical Brazilian dish - believe it: it´s dangerous shark!

Cação, as medium sized sharks are known in Brazil is a delicious dish, typical all along the Brazilian ...


25 Elmavi electromagnetic feeders for Chile - another major order

Since 1974 Mavi is the latina-American leadr for electromagnetic feeders in steelworks...


Vicone pile dischargers for Segdman Brasil and Arcelor´s CST new coal processing.

In order to help discharge coal piles at Arcelor´s CST new blast furnace in Vitoria, Brazil, Mavi is delivering 7 Vicone 3.000 mm units, driven by Vimot vibrators...


Vical-A feeders for steel plants, a Mavi speciality crowding the production line.

In 2006 Vical-A feeders are literally crowding Mavi´s production line, mainly the heavier type for steel plants and blast furnaces applications...


Clealco acquires collapsible Revitran conveyor for easy assembly, transport and expansion

Clealco, a large Brazilian sugar producer, recently purchased a 1.200 mm x 12.000 mm Revitran conveyor, collapsible to fit smaller trucks for easier transportation...


Paul Wurth do Brasil comissions the delivery of 70 vibratory feeders and skirt boards from Mavi

Paul Wurth do Brasil, for the new blast furnace at Belgomineira Steel Works in Juiz de Fora, Brazil has comissioned from Mavi a total of 70 heavy vibratory Vical-A feeders...


VAI - Voest Alpine Industrieanlagen orders 35 electromagnetic feeders Elmavi type from Mavi

On June 2005 VAI as it is commonly known through its Brazilian branch ordered a set of 35 Elmavi feeders from Mavi, pan and tubular, including...


AP Equipamentos receives another set of Elmavi and Vical-A feeders for another important steel works project.

SInce 1994 AP Equipamentos Ltda is a leader in turn-key projects for bulk materials handling in steel works, petrochemical installations, paper mills


Linings - Mavi delivers feeders with three different wear resistance grades for Arcelor / CST

Vibratory feeders in steel works have to be equipped with special linings in order to avoid any wear of the feeder´s pan and allow a long downtime free operation...