Mavi News

393 news in chronological order.


Brazilian steel producer CSN chooses 1000 t/h heavy duty Vical-A vibratory feeders from Mavi Máquinas Vibratórias Ltda.

CSN-Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional at Volta Redonda in the state of Rio de Janeiro has settled for Mavi and two 1000 t/h 1600 mm wide x 2500 mm long Vical-A vibratory feeders. These stainless steel lined feeders are for pelletized iron ore


Mavi Máquinas Vibratórias Ltda. producer of continuous vibratory foundry shake-outs Vigrel type

Since 1961, Mavi has been the leader in shake-out technology for Latin American foundries. With over 400 units delivered, Vigrel continuous shake-outs are among the most reliable machines of this kind...


Large Brazilian cement plant purchases Vical-A vibratory feeders from Mavi Máquinas Vibratórias Ltda.

In August 2002, Soeicom ( granted Mavi a contract regarding ten heavy duty vibratory feeders Vical-A type, 600 mm wide x 1750 mm long for up to 120 t/h output, after performing a two years test with similar equipment from


Latin American sugar mills order heavy-duty vibratory conveyors Revitran type, build by Mavi Ltda for the 2002 crop

Instead of sturdy and maintenance intensive screw conveyors or difficult to clean belt conveyors, Latin American sugar mills are ordering heavy duty natural frequency vibratory conveyors


Vibratory Conveyors

Mavi Maquinas Vibratorias from Sao Paulo, Brazil has recently installed the largest vibratory conveyors for Usina da Barra...


Smart Carshaker

Mavi Maquinas Vibratorias has delivered a new type of car-shaker for 70 tons fertilizer railcars, called SmartShaker®...


Heavy Duty Vibratory Screeners

Mavi Máquinas Vibratórias Ltda. has recently delivered 4 extra heavy-duty vibratory...


Heavy Duty vibratory Conveyors

Since January 2000, heavy-duty vibratory conveyors build by Mavi Maquinas Vibratorias from Sao Paulo , Brazil, are in operation at Latin America's most...


Core Sand Desintegrator

A common problem is the recycling of foundry core sand. A mix of sand and plastic resin is a hard compound normally used to create patterns and...