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Romi Foundry new shake-outs and coolers from Mavi ready

The expansion of Romi´s activities required new equipment for the handling of castings. New continuous production machines require constant unmoulding (shake-out) and subsequent cooling.

Mavi has further developed this technology and many Brazilian foundries adopted this solution. The gentle vibration and slight premixing of the sand allows a better posterior handling of castings and sand.

The continuous cooling under a constant air flow and controlable speed is the solution. Romi settled for Mavi after observing equipment installed in other foundries running under this process.

1 A 1200 x 7000 mm Vigrel continuous shake-out for up to 30 t/h castings
2 Another view of the same equipment
3 A stationary shake-out 1500 x 1500 mm, vibratory motors driven. Removal of castings is manual.
4 General view of the Romi foundry

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