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Transportation logistics- always a problem

For the transportation of 13 heavy duty iron ore and coke screeners to CST-Arcelor in Vitoria, a larger operation was set up.

Thirteen low-level lorries had to be found throughout Brazil. Not an easy task, as the transportation contractor has only a few and those were performing earthmoving machines transportation in places as far 2.000 km from São Paulo.

After about a week of searching and redirecting the lorries, the first five arrived and the screeners could be loaded onto their berthes. A trip of 1.100 km on very bad roads lies ahead, a three to four days trip.

Brazilian truck drivers deserve a special nomination for their endurance and skills.

If you would like to make any comments or questions on the above please drop us a line by clicking on the following link Mavi / questions & comments. Your comment or questions can be published here for general knowledge if acceptable.

1 Ready for departure, 1.100 km on bumpy roads.
2 The Vibrapen 2.400 x 5.000 screener must be safely tied to the lorry berth
3 A last look and photograph by the MAN-Ferrostaal and Mavi inspectors, and off they go onto the next lorry. Thirteen at all.

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