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Tiradentes, colonial Brazil revisited

The small town of Tiradentes in the state of Minas Gerais is worth a visit.

An important mining settlement during colonial times, when the Portuguese royal government extracted as much gold as possible from the surroundings, after the decline of its "golden age" was almost abandoned until the 30´s of the past century, when the Brazilian administration created the IPHAN , an institute devoted to maintain and restore a little of the country´s history.

Luckily due to its state of abandon the restoration was relatively simple, as no new buildings were to be removed.

This way until today Tiradentes and its unique buildings and streets are almost as they were 300 years ago.

Some 500 kilometers from São Paulo it is accessible by good roads (except one minor stretch were conditions worsen a little). Good inns and restaurants are easy to be found.

The name Tiradentes, "Teeth puller", is to honor Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, a Brazilian soldier and practical dentist executed by the Portuguese while attempting to set up an Independence movement. He was born close to the settlement now the town of Tiradentes.

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1 This earthenware lady, known as "namoradeira" or "the one who loves to date" is a common artistic creation in Tiradentes.
2 The Holy Cross, always present in colonial Brazil. In the rear the São Jose mountains, were the gold mining took place during ancient times.
3 A view of the calm streets of Tiradentes.
4 Another view of original buildings some around 300 years old.
5 An elderly gentleman having his noon rest on a Tiradente´s sidewalk.

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