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Arcelor CST inspects and approves Vibrapen screeners from Mavi.

For the processing of coal and charcoal at the new CST coal-powder injection system for the nr. 3 blast furnace currently under construction, Arcelor has purchased from Mavi a set of three heavy construction Vibrapen screeners.

Two of them types 1220 x 2900 mm are for the proctective screening of coal powder before injected in the blast furnace itself, in order to remove larger particles which could clog the injection nozzles.

Another one is a raw material 1400 x 4000 mm Vibrapen screener, fully vibration isolated and movable on a cart with wheels for easier maintenance.

Arcelor is the leader in coal powder injection technology for most Brazilian steel works and since 1974 recommends and installs Vibrapen screeners from Mavi for this purpose.

If you would like to make any comments or questions on the above please drop us a line by clicking on the following link Mavi / questions & comments. Your comment or questions can be published here for general knowledge if acceptable.

1 A perfectly stretched screen mat is an important condition achieved by the construction requirements for Vibrapen screeners from Mavi.
2 The Vibrapen screener 1.400 x 4.000 mm from Mavi with a 150 mm screen opening suited to remove logs and larger material from the charcoal stream.
3 Another view from the Vibrapen 1.400 x 4.000 mm screener. The isolating frame is concrete filled and counter-acts to remove most of the transmitted vibrations.
4 A simple one step tensioning device is the key to a fast screen mat replacement after worn out.

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