Mavi News

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Screening station with 6 Velopen 1.600 x 4.400 mm triple deckers delivered to Vallourec-Mannesmann.

Again the shipping problems, no trucks available, hoisting height not sufficient, but in December Mavi managed to deliver 6 (six) Velopen screeners for Vallourec´s new charcoal screening station. Trucks came from distant places, crane had to be contracted but the logistic worked out well.

This station will handle the largest reforestation charcoal processing in Latin America, to keep that large steel tubes producing facility running withoux expensive coal imports.

If you would like to make any comments or questions on the above please drop us a line by clicking on the following link Mavi / questions & comments. Your comment or questions can be published here for general knowledge if acceptable.

1 Hoisting the screener´s main body onto a low-bed lorry with a selfpropelled crane.
2 Each screener, the drive saddle and all components travel together.
3 Neighbors are not happy when Mavi partially blocks the street while loading the lorries.
4 After 2 hours two lorries complete, another four to go.
5 Loaded to the very last spot.
6 The next body coming out of the factory, extra care must be taken.

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