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Tudor Kowalsky, the fine photo-artist of the ninenties.

SImple photographic images, electronically scanned with highest resolution are the newer art of Tudor Kowalsky, born in Cracovia, Poland, living in Brazil since 1989.

Since 1961 Tudor has developed this unique skill with "synthetic" photography and galleries all over the world have devoted some important space for his shows.

One of his newer works is the piece "Pink Vibrations", as he told Mavi a shot done with the help of an old Mavi Mevitra vibratory table, normally used for the compaction of flour in paper bags.

Apparently his camera was firmly attached to the vibratory device and the shot made. Mavi has earned the permission to temporarily present this photograph and some others none related to vibration in its site.

If you would like to make any comments or questions on the above please drop us a line by clicking on the following link Mavi / questions & comments. Your comment or questions can be published here for general knowledge if acceptable.

1 This is called "The End", copyright Tudor Kowalsky, 1998
2 "Pink Vibrations", 1991, done with the help of a Mevitra vibratory compacting conveyor from Mavi (not build anymore). Copyright Tudor Kowalksky.
3 "Sunrise", 1992, copyright Tudor Kowalsky
4 "Ship´s interior", 2006, copyright Tudor Kowalsky.
5 "The Face in Marble", 2006, copyright by Tudor Kowalsky.

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