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A typical Brazilian dish - believe it: it´s dangerous shark!

Cação, as medium sized sharks are known in Brazil is a delicious dish, typical all along the Brazilian coast.

A nice shark steak, braised with various vegetables, cassava meal paste (known as "pirão"), stewed brown beans, rice and a solid egg / tomato salad , is part of Latin-American cooking masterpieces.


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1 The egg/tomato salad is a solid start.
2 The shark steak nicely braised and surrounded with carrots, cassava, boiled plantains and bell peppers.
3 The stewed brown beans, a must in Brazil along with plain white rice.
4 "Pirão" a typical native Brazilian dish. Cassava meal pounded with the braising liquids from the shark steak. A nice tasting combination.
5 Another view! If you need the complete recipe, drop a line to Mavi / Shark Steak recipe.

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