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São Carlos do Pinhal Farm and Plantage, a nice place to rest for a few days.

The Pinhal Farm is one of Brazil`s most charming small hotels, for stressed urban criatures.

Establisehd in the 19 th century, most of its installations are still intact, including vibratory coffee beans processors, an interesting device totally made of wood, still in operation to these days.

The 14 room hotel has splendid service, excellent food and the dominating presence of silence, yes, tons of silence.We strongly recommend it.

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1 The old column by the entrance, sign of past wealth.
2 The 1920 build coffee beans screener. Brazil is still the world largest coffee producer.
3 The "master´s" mansion as until 1888 the farm workers were slaves.
4 The coffee drying pateo, an area of roughly 8.000 square meters. Pinhal was one o Brazil´s largest plantages.

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