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Vibratory Cells E-4600 with new special gear-pair allow noise reduction to 70 dBA

In a joint effort with a Brazilian company specialized in manufacturing low-noise gearing, Mavi has achieved a supplementary noise reduction on its E-4600 vibratory cell, a runner among very heavy duty vibratory drives.

Since 1989 Mavi has delivered hundreds of these drives on its own line equipment or as OEM drives for other competing companies.

Its huge gearing system combined with 60.000 hours minimum bearing life and special synthetic oil filled gear box has placed these drives as top reliable equipment. One customer is operating a cell now for continuous 95.000 hours without any maintenance, oil change excluded..

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1 Vibratory cells from Mavi ready for embarkment.
2 The new E-4600 vibratory cell with extra-quiet gearing.
3 Gearing excluded, all other parts are computer-machined at Mavi. The special low noise machining of the gearwheels is made by a specialized company in São Paulo.

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