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Jacarezinho Sugar Works in Paraná, Brazil receive first giant Revitran conveyor, 19 metres long

For the 2007-2008 sucar cane crop, Jacarezinho Sugar Works from Paraná in Brazil ordered and received one of Mavi´s largest conveyors for sugar ever build.

The 1.100 mm x 19.000 mm all stainless steel unit is the proper replacement for older competing equipment, which started to show premature signs of material fatigue and heavy maintenance costs.

Revitran conveyors are a must to sugar companies, as this strongly build and low maintenance natural frequency equipment proved to be the right choice for this application.

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1 Assembling the giant at Mavi´s machine shop in São Paulo.
2 Almost too big to be properly handled in the area available
3 The 80.000 hours running time drive a must for Brazilian sugar works. Frequency inverters allow the fine tuning for minimum energy consumption.
4 A rather small 25 HP drive is enough to put this giant to work smoothly, natural frequency tuning does the rest.

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