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Tecal Aluminium in Manaus, Brazil operating fourth heavy duty furnace feeder Revitran type

In June 2007, in a joint operation with Bradesco Leasing, Tecal of Manaus has received another aluminum scrap furnace feeder for up to 20 tons per hour of compressed aluminium bales.

The complete heavy duty 8 tons set, feeder and counter-balancing frame is placed on top of a movable carriage, which enables the operators to load the feeder, move it forward towards the furnace inlet and gently load, by means of controllable speed adjustment, electronically.

This is Tecal´s fourth unit in Manaus, together with another 3 in São Paulo.

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1 Front view of the Revitran feeder, the inclined outlet spout fits the furnace inlet. 1000 mm large and 6.500 mm long, one of our largest units for this purpose.
2 The carriage with heavy railcar wheels and sturdy frame. The set is moved forward by means of a reducing drive, electrically driven.

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