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Blast furnace nr. 3 for Arcelor in Vitoria Brazil operating since July 21, 2007

Since July 21, 2007, Ferrostaal has delivered to full operation the stockhouse for the nr. 3 blast furnace at Arcelor in Vitória, Brazil.

The stockhouse equipment comprehended mostly heavy duty coke and iron ore feeders and screeners, totalling 39 Vical-a feeders for up to 1000 t/h as well as 13 screeners Velopen type 2.200 x 5.000 mm.

Arcelor is a traditional Mavi customer, first orders mount back to 1982, equipment still in operation until today.

Ferrostaal combined Mavi´s experience in heavy duty mechanical feeders and screening technology with its overall planning capacity. The succesful outcome is stated by CST- Arcelor and the smooth operation of the new blast furnace.

If you would like to make any comments or questions on the above, please drop us a line by clicking on the following link Mavi / questions & comments. Your comment or questions can be published here for general knowledge.

1 Partial view of the Vical-A feeders during erection works.
2 One of the 13 Velopen screeners for coke and iron ore, 2.200 mm x 5.000 mm.
3 The supporting structure for the main belt conveyor charging the furnace being assembled. This belt is feed by the screened materials.

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