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Gone fishing...

Brazil is a marvelous sports fisherman country. Technical advisor Antônio de Moura once every year travels hundreds of miles to the best spots.

This year the Kuluene River in the State of Mato Grosso, on the border to the Amazon basin was chosen.

1.100 miles from São Paulo were he lives. After a journey of 4 days Antônio and friends started the fisherman´s joy, by angling some 40 pounders known as Cachara (similar to cat-fish), but most were returned back to the river, alive, as they are environmentally friendly sportsmen.

And who eats 40 pounds of fish anyway? Have a look at the pictures and if you want to know more about fishing in Brazil write him an e-mail by clicking here.

1 Sunset over the Kuluene River, not a bad sight.
2 The sea? Wrong, the joining of two gigantic rivers, close to the border to the Amazon region.
3 Antônio and his beloved São Paulo Football Club shirt, in the shadow of the Roncador Sierra.
4 Unpaved to the horizon, Brazil´s road system is a mess, none long distance build since the seventies.
5 The fisherman´s inn, modest but comfortable.
6 Antônio de Moura inspecting the river, before the angling actually starts.
7 There we go, no fisherman story. This is a 40 pounder.
8 The last day and the fishermen show their trophies.

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