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Best wishes for 2009

Hello everybody!

For the year 2009 Mavi and its co-workers wish the best to all our customers, suppliers and friends. The second half of 2008 was a rough ride among the enormous difficulties created by irresponsible speculative businesses affairs and lendings in the so-called first world and, as usual, developing countries are being heavely hit by its consequences.

The outlook for Latin America is grim but not hopeless.

Mavi is still the market leader, nobody has lost the job with us since 2005 and the redirectioning of our sales efforts towards other areas and countries has made us quite successfull in keeping our orders in stock at a comfortable level.

Some adjustments will be made, most probably with less working hours for 2009, less orders for third parties reducing the outsourcing, but all in all the prospectives are not as bleak as for our competitors abroad.

The heavy Real devaluation towards the Dollar and Euro is also making Mavi products rather attractive.

We hope to manage this coming year 2009 and Brazilian companies are rather used to crisis management, as this is more the normality than the exception.

Merry Christmas to everybody and a Happy New Year.

Mavi will be closed for vaccations from Dec. 22 to Jan. 4, 2009.

1 SInce 2005 all jobs kept, one of our main efforts.
2 Mavi´s ladies staff at Year´s End.
3 The Tree, a tradition since 1961.

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