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Less components conveyors are more reliable. Revitran from Mavi still the leader.

Since 1977 Mavi has supplied the Latin-American market with the reliable simple concept Revitran conveyors. Over 500 machines have been sold since then, including the substitution of most sugar belt conveyors under centrifuges in most Brazilian and Venezuelan sugar mills.

Foundries, mining companies and lumber as well as wood chips processor also chose Mavi´s Revitran. Fast and cheaper technical assistance by local personell all over the region is sometimes the triggering action for the decision. And long term financing by the Brazilian Development Bank, even abroad (BNDES)

Novelis, Brazil´s largest aluminium recycling company has substituted some older imported equipment for new Revitran hyper-insulated less components conveyors. In July 2009 a 1.200 mm x 17.000 mm conveyor was installed and in less than 4 days time put into full operation, transferring 300 - 500 C hot aluminium scrap over 17 meters, suspendend some 15 meters above the ground.

20 tons per hour, a remarkable achievement.

The computer calculated counter-balancing frame with progressive weight distribution and tunable resonance relation over frequency inverter and special air/water rubbermounts allows a better insulation, transmitting only minor below norm vibrations to surrounding structures. With less componentes, a less expensive solution than complicated aditional spring-leaf-spring-weight systems.

For more on that contact Mavi at clicking here

1 Last check and paint retouches before leaving for Novelis, in July 2009.
2 The hyper-insulated less components conveyor, 17 meters long for 20 t/h aluminium scrap.
3 Experienced technicians are a must for the best technical assistance on a reasonable costs basis. All over Latin-America.
4 Since 1977 up front where resonant low power conveyors are needed. Revitran no doubt the only choice..
5 A complete Mavi developed resonant speed and insulation levels computer program allows state-of-the-art conveyors.

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