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Vibrapen screeners from Mavi for the sugar industry - over 400 running in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa.

Recently Usina Navirai in Brazil has comissioned Mavi to revamp two 2003 sold Vibrapen 1.400 x 3.500 mm screeners, after 45.000 running hours.

The drives were replaced with special high resilience and increased vibratory load units, a dynamic counterbalancig frame was included to reduce vibratory isolation to 95%, new special helical springs were added, a patented sugar distribuition device to reduce screen abrasion was installed and the new safety device to assure the counterrotation of the vibratory motors, at any given electric connection, introduced .

Since 1982 over 400 units were delivered to sugar industries, with millions of tons of crystal cane sugar screened to ensure top quality, mostly for export.

From Colombia to Venezuela, the Caribbean, from Mexico to Nigeria and mostly to the world´s largest producer, Brazil, Vibrapen screeners became the standard equipment.

1 Counterbalancing frames, concrete filled, and special helical springs are a must. No-blinding devices for the screen cloth are standard, with high abrasion resistant material. Overall isolation through pneumatic adjustable springs are standard to t
2 A safety device ensures vibrators always counterrotate. In the past wrong connections sometimes led to equipment destruction.
3 Over 400 units running (Brazil has 350 sugar factories) and still the preferred equipment among users, for its reliability and endurance.

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