Apparently business activity in some sectors is picking up fast in Latin America. The steel industry has decided to reinvest, Arcelor ahead of all. In May Arcelor granted Mavi a very signifcant order for mega-screeners, a Mavi speciality for charcoal and coke screening.
Two counterbalanced Velopen units, 20 and 25 tons respectively, 2.400 mm large and 6.000 mm long, three and four deckers along with a set of smaler screens as well as feeders are to be delivered between August and December 2010. A seven digits order badly needed after a long draught.
The foundry sector is apparently also sailing in better wind, Frum from Extrema, in the state of Minas Gerais, also granted Mavi a seven digits order regarding two giant castings coolers, complete with control units, hoods and ventilating system.
Kuttner, the Latin American leader for mechanized materials handling and sand processing in foundries also granted Mavi a nice order regarding three middle-sized return sand Viproc coolers, fluidized bed system, a large shake-out station 1.800 mm wide and 13.000 mm long, as well as a simple base mounted resonance vibratory cooler and conveyor. Tupy foundries from southern Brazil ordered a large sand screener and pneumatic cleaner, Separapen type, a Mavi speciality 1.600 m wide and 3.500 mm long for up to 75 t/h reclaimed sand.
The miners like Shougang in Peru, a big Chinese owned iron ore processor and steel producer has ordered another giant feeder for its mining activity, now 5 large units are in operation at their site in northern Peru.
The vibratory drives sales also picked up, mainly the very heavy drives for the mining and steel industry. But the jewel in the crown are still Mavi´s excelent links to the sugar industry, where Mavi technology is known worldwide, from the Caribbean to Africa, from Thailand to Mexico, and of course Brazil.
Not still back as it was in 2008 but the outlook is becoming optimistic.