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Large output phosphate ore screeners installed

Mavi has recently shipped and installed at a new site in the Peruvian desert a set of another two large Velopen screeners for phosphate ore. The final tests, mainly vibratory insulation on the very tall supporting structure, were done by eng. Jose C. Bacalhau and project chief Antonio de Moura, literally “the father of the babies”.

All seems ok for this interesting application, stating Mavi´s 50 years experience with vibratory screeners.

1 Checking the overall installation in Peru.
2 A big grinding mill discharges onto the screeners, a special isolation system has been developed for the screeners, not to transmit most vibrations produced.
3 The heavy-duty E-4600 vibratory drives for up to 75 kW are becoming the standard for many companies in Latin America. Also for these phosphate screeners.
4 Screeners project chief Antonio de Moura leaving the Peruvian plant after finished job.

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