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Number one

Heavy resonant vibratory conveyors Revitran type are a Mavi speciality for the sugar industry. For the season 2011/2012, many new conveyors have been ordered and delivered.

Placing Mavi as Latin America´s top supplier for this kind of equipment, as well as Vibrapen screeners, a duo always needed in sugar factories.

From São Paulo to Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, the Caribbean, Equador and Nigeria in Africa.

But Brazil, the world largest sugar producer is still the number one user, with over 2 km of this units sold since 1982.

1 Zillo Lorenzetti Zilor, a long time customer, with a new set of Revitran conveyors for 2011-2010.
2 Usina Barra Grande, still relying on Mavi´s experience and expertise with resonant conveyors.
3 Usina Nardini, always with Mavi Revitran, the real heavy duty conveyor for 2011-2012.
4 Using WEG motors, the better choice instead of exquisite European or Far East brands with no technical assistance available in Latin America.
5 Usina Alto Alegre, for 2011 -2012 a conveyors for the expansion of their new line of sugar centrifuges.
6 And last but not least, Usina Caeté, with a 15.000 mm Revitran conveyor, in two flights for simple installing.
7 Over 400 running worldwide, mainly in Latin America, from Brazil to Mexico. Vibrapen screeners from Mavi the best choice for sugar screening.

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