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Elmavi electromagnetic vibratory feeders, number one in Brazilian steel works.

A large Brazilian engineering and manufacturing company for large steel works projects has granted Mavi a very interesting 7 digits order, now on completion for delivery.

Elmavi feeders are almost a standard among Brazilian steelworks, regarding blending systems for steel converter charging, together with sophisticated weighing systems.

The local technical assistance is a must for these installations upon start-up procedures and Mavi known for keeping a team of skilled technician to help on that.

1 It all starts with a good project. Mavi has 35 years experience with electromagnetic feeders up to 2.000 Kg individual weight.
2 Part of the recent larger order on final assembly before leaving the machine shop.
3 The Vimag electromagnetic drives are almost a standard among Brazilian steel works.
4 The skirt-boards to correctly direct the material flow onto the feeding troughs, equipped with needle gates and pneumatic dumpers are part of this important project.
5 Tuning the drives is important part of correctly dimensioned electromagnetic feeders Elmavi type.

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