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Usiminas Mecânica and Usiminas with new electromagnetic feeders

For Usiminas Mecânica and its new Usiminas steel converting materials adding plant in Minas Gerais, Brazil, a set of 28 complete electromagnetic feeders Elmavi type have been delivered in May, 2011.

Mavi offers a real feeding solution, not just parts of the equipment. The complete skirt board with pneumatically operated dumpers and manually steerable slide gates are a must. And the electromagnetic feeder itself with its electronic control.

The system is in operation with almost 4.000 units in Brazilian and Latin American steel works, as well as glass and cement plants. The modern electronic controls allow a 0 to 100% flow control, quite necessary for the feeding of precision scales. This way, all blending, mixing or tuning of compositions is possible.

Practically without moving parts, replaceable wear plates and simples installation, Elmavi feeders were again the clear option for this Brazilian steel giant, Usiminas. Not forgetting the important and fast technical assistance on site, an important choice not to wait for days.

Final adjustments on sliding gates for Usiminas Elmavi feeders.
This heavy feeder Elmavi type, with complete needles valve, slide gate and pneumatic dumper, driven by a MA-440 Vimag drive is the state-of-the-art for electromagnetic vibratory feeders in Brazil.
And off they go to Usiminas and hopefully many years of steady and safe operation.

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