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Strong headwinds! Brazil in another crisis?

The year 2012 is hitting hard. Brazilian equipment manufacturers and importers are beginning to feel the European, American and apparently Orient recession in many ways. Less orders, lower prices, rising currency adjustments turning imports into expensive goods. The overall reduction in sales compared to the previous trimester is 0,3 %, very significant for a country expecting to grow some 3% this year.

Brazilian exports are slowing dramatically, although denied by the government, as usual. Australian miners selling more iron ore to Chinese and Indian companies than Brazilian companies. Absolutely no investments in Brazilian based steel works, no new projects. A few new projects for automotive foundries, but only paperwork until now. No purchases at all. Fertilizer projects being announced, but nothing actually happens.

Car sales down 11%, new lower import quotas from Mexico and Argentina established, but with no complaining from importers. Government trying to reduce mega-interest charged by Brazilian based banks (the world highests, up to 13% a MONTH on credit cards), but with no real effect, dispite the political one, as municipal polls approach.

A specially hard time for importers, as Brazilian government is somehow allowing the US dollar to climb to former levels. And controlling the actual need for such as passed huge sometimes unnecessary imports. Some first line companies in real trouble, like special machining centers importers, mainly from Germany, Taiwan, Japan and China.

Mavi preparing for a new bad weather period, with strong headwind, rain and dark clouds. The usual measures being pulled out of the drawers: work time reduction, prices reduction, but probably some sailors will have to leave the boat. Hopefuly doing it on shore...


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