Mavi News

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Strolling around Mavi

In hard times, inflation picking up again, a look at Mavi.

In 2013, Brazil apparently sliding into rougher times, a look at our factory and thoughts about the future.

A click on the pictures for more details.

Our Rothaube line of helicoidal conveyors. A ton of competition, but still machines worth their reliability. Gerdau group prefers them, here a set being finished.
This machine was bought used 25 years ago. And working well until today. Time to invest in newer equipment or wait for a steadier course in the overall economy?
A bit of "garden therapy", our new sidewalk made more pedestrians friendly. But the district is under pressure from big real estate firms, because close to São Paulo downtown.
The giant painting shop door, looks a little frightening. Hopefully many more machines to get their paint job done.
Mavi still the leader for vibratory drives. Thanks to the dollar rising in Brasil, imports becoming expensive. Eyes turn to local manufacturing.
Plastic wrapped Mavi drives, Vimot and Vimag types, humming all over Latin America. ISO 9001 and 52 years of age help do it.

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