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Car battery recycling company with another Revitran furnace feeder

Sulina de Metais with a new expansion project financed by Brazilian BNDES Development Bank has purchased a new heavy duty furnace feeder for the basic recycling of used car batteries.

The 1000 mm x 6500 mm Revitran extra-heavy duty furnace feeder is one of around 100 in operation throughout Brazil since 1995. Most of them are mobile, placed on a skid equipped with an electric drive and remotely controlled. The low power input is a major point with these heavy machines, as well as the special linings and replaceable outlet spouts.

For more on Revitran furnace feeders please refer to Mavi Contacts or representatives  

The 1000 mm x 6500 mm travels to the furnace on a special mobile skid, remotely controlled.
The heavy duty execution is one of the Revitran characteristics.
The sturdy but light powered drive a further motivation for Sulina de Metais to go for another Revitran feeder.

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