Mavi News

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Velopen, the new way of building screening machines.

First approach was a double decker for a large pulp mill in Brazil, now a simplified version as a single decker is being tested.

Velopen screens for dewatering the bark and water mixture coming from the debarking station have been simplified. The double decker became a single decker, vibration was decreased in its amplitude, drives became less noisy by choosing a low rotation.

After a long test here at Mavi, the newer Velopen type will be shipped to the pulp mill, hopefuly for a long working period without hassles.

For more on Velopen screeners have a look at


Less bending and cutting, less welding, simple assembly. The new Velopen.
Since 1961 Mavi builds Velopen screeners, over 25.000 were delivered from Brazil to Thailand, from Nigeria to the United States.

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