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The best World Cup ever?

We at Mavi don´t know, it is the first to happen in Brazil since 1950 (and Mavi was founded 1961...). When Brazil lost against Uruguay in the final, at the very same stadium the 2014 Cup will end.

May the best win and maybe Brazilians at play again in the final...

Anyway the predicted chaos did not happen, the games were held with tranquility. A big nice fest, all over the country. 

Unhappily the less fortunate population had no chance to go to the games, as the Swiss FIFA prices for tickets were almost all far beyond afordable for the average Brazilian. But there is always TV.

Well, it will end next week.

And let us hope business will return with strength, because until now this year of 2014 has been good for football but a catastrophe for the Brazilian equipment building industry.

Brazilian soccer fans carry the national colors all over the country.
Literallly everywhere soccer fans.
The American women soccer team is famous but for the first time the men´s team made it to important final games. Apparently the sport is becoming interesting there too.
This young man, Neymar, has lost the chance to participate in the finals.  But he did not loose his good humor, even after being hurt during the game with Colombia and not allowed to continue playing.

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