Mavi News

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News from Mavi

A few news about Mavi, 54 years of vibration technology in Latin America.

Our almost 40 years old 150 tons cutting press, totally revamped in 2014. Will it last another 40?
For a large Alstom order regarding special vibratory drives for large dust filtering systems a set of machined shafts.
The sturdy winding housing in heavy cast iron for the same order.
Another 15 years old E-4600 heavy vibratory drive. Instead of replacement the customer asked for maintenance. 127.000 hours running time, a record.
The red Vimot vibratory drives covers, a Mavi icon.
For National Oil Millers from the UK parts for their megaorder regarding the largest sugar screens ever built by Mavi.
Assembling another giant aluminium powder Revitran processor, a Mavi system. For Mextra, Brazil.

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