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Instant coffee cooler from Mavi, a tradition

Since 1980 Mavi delivers  Viproc instant coffee coolers as a fluidized bed system. The equipment is quite simple: a vibrating trough with a perforated plates bed and a hood for capturing the fines is vibrated and a steady air flow passed through.

Depending on the time remaining on the bed and the air volume blown in to the system, more or less heat can be absorbed.

Viproc heaters and coolers are in use in many applications. For coffee, dog food, foundry sand, plastic pellets and many others. Call Mavi if you need help with fluidized bed coolers and heaters.

This June 2016 another Viproc cooler for instant coffee being delivered after tests performed. Brazil largest instant coffee producer goes for Mavi since 1995.
All parts in contact with the material processed (coffee) are made of stainless steel. The specially designed hood is important to keep amount of fines low.

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