Vimot em tubos, silos e depósitos

Vibrators for silos, deposits and ducts.

Use VIMOT vibrators to provide a good flow of material in silos, deposits and ducts


In order to choose the right type of vibrator, two essential parameters must be provided beforehand.

These parameters are the wall thickness of the silo or bin and its size. From this, with the help of the table below it is possible to make a general choice.

You will notice, however, a differentiation between high and low vibration motovibrators, this provides another help in making the right choice, as follows:

Round silos and bins containing materials with fine particle size should be activated by high vibration vibrators, activated periodically as their continuous operation would incur damage to the structures.

For rectangular silos or other shapes, with coarse-grained material, the table advises the use of low-vibration vibrators in continuous service.