
Electric Vibrators

Number one in Latin America. All types explosion proof, TÜV certified. Since 1961 over 250.000 units sold. Vimot drives for vibratory equipment.

Robustos, duráveis e com baixíssima manutenção.

Linha de montagem dos Vimot

Estoque de Vimots na Mavi para maior agilidade nas solicitações dos clientes.

Vimot em mesas vibratórias tipo Vipac.

Vimot em tubo vibratório tipo Velocan

A multitude of applications


In summary, these are basic applications of Vimot® motovibrators. Of course there are specific applications that can be studied and presented.

The vibratory conveyors driven by Vimot® motovibrators can be used for thermal processes of bulk materials, such as conveying and simultaneous cooling of chemical powders of various configurations, foodstuffs, cast iron or steel parts, and many others. One constant application is the cooling of foundry sand in vibratory fluidized beds, in a combination of blown air and vibration conveying.

If other processes are conceived, please contact our equipment development department for further details on feasibility.

Final assembly of a Viproc® 1300 x 4000 model foundry sand vibratory cooler, driven by two Vimot® S-20-6 type motovibrators.