
Electric Vibrators

Number one in Latin America. All types explosion proof, TÜV certified. Since 1961 over 250.000 units sold. Vimot drives for vibratory equipment.

Robustos, duráveis e com baixíssima manutenção.

Linha de montagem dos Vimot

Estoque de Vimots na Mavi para maior agilidade nas solicitações dos clientes.

Vimot em mesas vibratórias tipo Vipac.

Vimot em tubo vibratório tipo Velocan

How to choose Vimot vibrators

Unloading of silos, bins and flow support in pipelines

There is a specific leaflet edited by Mavi for the correct application of motovibrators in the case of silos, silos and piping.

As a general rule we can mention: the Vimot® motovibrators should always be fixed at 1/3 of the height of the discharge cone of the silos (see illustration).

There is a specific lest for the correct application of vibration motors in silos, bins and pipelines.

As a general rule we can mention: the Vimot® vibrators should always be fixed at 1/3 of the height of the discharge cone of the silos (see illustration on the side).

The size of the vibrator can be roughly determined by the rule of 1kgf of impact (or centrifugal force) for each kg of material contained in the discharge cone of a silo or bin.