
Electric Vibrators

Number one in Latin America. All types explosion proof, TÜV certified. Since 1961 over 250.000 units sold. Vimot drives for vibratory equipment.

Robustos, duráveis e com baixíssima manutenção.

Linha de montagem dos Vimot

Estoque de Vimots na Mavi para maior agilidade nas solicitações dos clientes.

Vimot em mesas vibratórias tipo Vipac.

Vimot em tubo vibratório tipo Velocan

A multitude of applications


Without a doubt the most classic application of Vimot® motovibrators. Mavi has in operation in MERCOSUL approximately 10,000 vibrating screens of its Velopen®, Rotopen® and Vibrapen® lines, basically all equipped with Vimot® motovibrators.

From simple dry sieving (through 100 x 100 mm screens down to the lower limit of 0.105 mm) or liquid sieving (for filtering paints, broths, slurries and pastes, down to the lower limit of 500 mesh), motovibrators are present, high or low frequency, according to the application. Usually fine powders are screened at high frequency, coarse at medium or low frequency.

Vibrating classifier for Brazil nuts, model Velopen® 800 x 2000, driven by two motovibrators.
Vibrapen® 1400 x 3500 vibratory screen, driven by two moto-vibrators type Vimot® A-40-6
Rotopen® SL 550 vibrating screen in polished stainless steel, driven by a Vimot® G-05-4 motovibrator